본문으로 바로가기

[    어셈블리어 간단한 명령어 모음    ]

mov : move

lea : load address to register

inc : plus 1

dec : minus 1

add : add

sub : subtract

nop : nothing

cmp : compare

test : AND logic to find zero

jmp : jump

Unsigned jump


je : jump equal

jne : jump not equal

jz : jump zero

jnz : jump not zero


ja : jump above

jae : jump above or equal

jna : jump not above

jnae : jump not above or equal


jb : jump below

jbe : jump below or equal

jnb : jump not below

jnbe : jump not below or equal

Signed jump


jg : jump greater

jge : jump greater or equal

jng : jump not greater

jnge : jump not greater or equal


jl : jump less

jle : jump less or equal

jnl : jump not less

jnle : jump not less or equal

push : push into stack

pop : pop from stack

call : call function

ret : return from call

hlt : halt(pause)

and : and logic

or : or logic

xor : exclusive or

not : invert